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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  February 27, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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>> martha: my thanks to charlie. we'll see him tomorrow at the 75th anniversary. that's "the story" for tonight. the story goes on. see you tomorrow night at 7:00. good night, everybody. >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson" tonight. looks like bernie sanders may well be the democratic nominee. it's coming. what would that mean for our country? we're going to have a series, "bernie sanders in america." but first, coronavirus causes chaos around the world. the dow jones average drops 1,193 points today. the single biggest drop in a day in the history of american markets. this week has been the markets worst since the financial crisis. friday could add to the damage. other nations are watching an
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increase in coronavirus infections. south korea reported 505 new cases in a single day. japan has closed all schools nationwide for the month of march. in iran, the vice president has coronavirus. so do several members of parliament. saudi arabia has shut down pilgrim milks to mecca. here in the u.s., we have the first coronavirus case. it's of unknown origin not linked to travel. that's an ominous sign. we'll have more. california's monitoring 8,400 people for signs of the virus. the world is panicking over this and there's a reason for that. in china, the virus has killed more than 2,500 people. but that's if you trust china's numbers, which no sober person does. the actual number is higher than that. that's just the beginning of what we don't know. we're not really sure how coronavirus spreads. we don't know what the mortality rate is over large populations, especially as health services before overstretched and they will. at this state, we're not sure
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where it came from. but there is something that we do know. it's this. a lot of the people that should have been preparing to defend us from this have not been doing that. the cdc, which is the main line of defense, seems to be caught off guard by it. they bungled the testing for coronavirus, that is still a few hundred people in america have been screened for it. so what was the cdc doing instead? they were doing a lot of things. according to information two years ago, cdc gave georgia state university $750,000 to study social determinance of health. 300,000 fund add look at how an american indian tribe in washington state could improve health outcomes by eating traditional foods. go to the cdc's website. it includes a section lecturing parents on how to properly administer time-outs.
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one suggestion from the cdc, put toys in time-out instead of children. who is in favor of this garbage? not many. you've got to thank the overwhelming majority of doctors and researchers are there because they want to control and prevent diseases. it's not their fault. it's our policy makers that cannot resist making everything idealogical. their main goal is not keeping you safe. if it was, they wouldn't be letting rapists out of prisons and pushing weed on your kids. it's about feeling good about themselves. protecting america does not make them feel good about themselves. it makes them feel guilty. when the president imposed mild travel restrictions, they attacked him as a bigot as he pointed out last night. >> had i not made a decision very early on not to take people from a certain area, we wouldn't be talking this way. we would be talking about more people being infected.
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i took a lot of heat. people called me racist because i made a decision so early. we had never done that before let alone early. so it was a bold decision. turned out to be a good decision. >> tucker: cnn attacked the administration's coronavirus task force as "another example of trump administration's lack of diversity." as if the color of the doctors matters. it doesn't matter at all. a month later, cnn warned the real threat of coronavirus is racism against asians. last night, "the new york times" complained that the presentation was one woman on stage surrounded by nine white men. again, counting by race. if there was ever a time to drop that dumb and dangerous tick, it's now as a global epidemic bears down on our country. they can't stop doing it and they won't. in the end, they care more about identity politics than your
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life. john meachem summed it up by saying his greatest anxiety about coronavirus is it might damage the global diversity agenda. >> seems to me that my greatest anxiety aside from the impact of the virus itself is we're living in an age of xenophobia. it is not impossible to imagine a scenario where blame is cast on some country or group of people if this becomes worse. >> tucker: more afraid that blame might be cast than afraid that millions might die? that's it right there. that's the attitude that has left us vulnerable to coronavirus. whatever weird guilt trip these people are on ought to be left to them and their psychiatrist to sort out and it will take awhile. under no circumstances should they be anywhere near power.
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people will get hurt if they are. they don't care. author of the book "privileged victims", how fascists high jacketed the country and elevated the worth people? eddie joins us tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> tucker: you spent a lot of time thinking ant this mindset. here we are facing what could become a pandemic. thousands have died. yet a certain segment of well-educated america is more concerned that people might say insensitive things. explain the mindset. >> you said it perfectly in your monologue. i could use that in my book. they care more about ideology than the actually -- what is actually happening. it turns out most people in america even the chinese don't want the commey cough but now we're hearing about who is the privilege and who is the victim.
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in this case it's supposed to be -- the victims are everyone else who is spreading this disease, where it's coming from, coming from china obviously. but we're the privileged so we're supposed to accept it, be okay with what's going on. a big dynamic i talk about. this is perpetuated by the national media. >> tucker: but this -- everything you said is true. i'm a little bit surprised to see it in effect now when we're facing a question of life and death. that's not an overstate. this is a time to act to protect the country. but this attitude is so deep, it's so engrained, so reflexsive that they can't? are you surprised by that? >> right. it is life and death. i think that we should be really grateful that we elected a germaphobe as president in this case. you never thought you would say that. but it's deeply engrained in this country, in every facet of
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our lives reinforced by the news media, the democratic party. the asia pacific caucus just put out a thing that said let's not turn this into a racist thing. let's not turn this into -- we're worried about the racial implications of blaming this on anybody. well, no, i'm sorry. if it turns out, which i did read this time in "the new york times" no less, this may have come from eating skunks in china. maybe we should consider the idea that, all right, either food or something or somebody should not be coming from china. no, it's deeply embedded in our society. more importantly like you just said, excellent monologue, this is an ideology that is so deeply embedded in our country and culture that i don't know. i don't know if there's anyway out of it. i hope that president trump does what he promised, which is to put the country over the fact that yes, he might be called a racist but maybe do the right thing. >> tucker: yeah. by the way, it's not a racist
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country. most americans are kind people. obviously. that's why immigration rate is so high. they're not racists. eddie scary, thanks so much. congrats on the book. >> thank you. >> tucker: well, the slow roll-out of testing for coronavirus in this country may have hindered our response to it. dr. adam bernheim is a radiologist at mount sinai in new york. he's done research to say that the virus could be spotted with a cat scan. thanks for coming on. for those of us that are not fluent in this, explain what it is you think we can do to screen for this disease. >> thank you, tucker, for having me. ct scans image patients all the time for a range of diseases. we're finding that patients with the coronavirus are affected most in their lungs. it's a pneumonia. as a thoracic radiologist, we're able to look at these scans what we found is fascinating.
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my colleagues at mount sinai in manhattan have been fortunate enough to look at hundreds of scans from patients in china that are positive. it was fascinating for us to see a certain pattern in the findings in the lungs in these patients. certain characteristics that were typical and characteristic of this disease. >> tucker: so would this -- if this turns out to be right, would it be possible to screen large segments of the population with ct scans? >> chest ct is a diagnostic tool that is used for any patient with covid 19 infection. but having to awareness for appropriate diagnose and prompts diagnosis is foundational for management of these patients. >> tucker: is this being done? seems like we don't have any sense at all of how many people in this country carry the virus right now. >> chest ct is done all the
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time. because this is a new diagnose and patterns are unfamiliar to us, it's helpful to be able to recognize the difference between coronavirus infection and many other types of pneumonia in the lung. because the symptoms are nonspecific like fever and cough and the test kits are unreliable, there's reports of false positives and false negatives. in china, there's more than 100 manufacturers with wide ranges of variability of reliability and accuracy. so having a chest ct, to be able to rule in or rule out the disease in patients that have characteristic findings is going to be instrumental in ensuring prompt diagnosis for patients. >> tucker: so one last question, doctor. looking at the slides that we put on the screen, even i can tell they're profoundly obvious marks on the lungs. is it possible that those who recover from this virus will have permanent lung damage from it? >> that's something that we're learning. some patients heal and some
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patients do respond to a scarring in the lung, even if they survive the infection, which most patients do indeed survive. like the skin when it's injured. it may heal normally with no residual scar or may heal with damage. so too when the lungs are injured like in pneumonia. they may heal with no sequelae or may heal with permanent damage and scarring. that's something that as we evaluate follows up doing forward will learn more ant in the future. >> you have to hope that is not the case. thanks, doctor, for coming on tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> tucker: more top iranian officials are coming down with coronavirus. reportedly one has died tonight. chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher has the latest. >> outside of china, south korea, italy and iran are the hotspots. i ran is the most concerning. health officials don't trust the information coming out of there. iran says 254 people are infected including vice president, health minister and a
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member of parliament. an iranian lawmaker says 50 have died. iran is home to holy sites that attract millions and the fear is they'll go back to their home countries with weaker healthcare systems and cause a mass outbreak. iran is urging people to avoid travelling to holy sites. the iranian president took a swipe at the u.s. for "spreading fear" about the virus. finally, because italy is also a hotspot, there was concern that during an ash wednesday mass pope francis was coughing and blowing his nose. the vatican says the 83-year-old positive has a slight indisposition meaning he's not feeling well. he was seen shaking hands with the faithful and also kissed a baby. tucker? >> tucker: trace gallagher, thanks so much.
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much more on the spread of coronavirus around the world and in this country throughout the hour tonight. first, bernie sanders looks like he's about to be the democratic nominee. not something that a lot of people think about. we have. more on our investigative series into that question. when you move homes, you move more than just yourself.
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we're doing all we can to make moving simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. >> tucker: all of a sudden, senator bernie sanders of vermont is the frontrunner in the democratic race. he has the best chance of getting the nomination. so how should you feel about that?
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if you're conservative, probably hard to take it seriously. i'm came out of nobody. nobody on tv warned you would happen. and sanders is not as offensive as someone like elizabeth warren. unlike warren, sanders is obviously sincere about what he believes. he means it. he has the right enemies, too. cnn appears to hate bernie sanders every bit as much as donald trump. that's a plus. like everybody else on the left, sanders talks about economics rather than putin and nonbinary bathrooms. it's refreshing to hear someone focus on things that matter. it's not like he's going to win the presidency. you keep hearing on both sides say there's no possibility, no chance in the world that bernie sanders will get elected president in november. that sounds right basically. the guy calls himself a socialist. this is america. come on. are we sure that that is true? ask yourself this. who was the last candidate that they told you on television
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could never ever win? oh, yeah. the current president. so ignore the people on tv. they're morons. they lack wisdom, lack imagination. almost always wrong about everything. of course, bernie sanders could win the general election. a year from now we could be in the first months of a bernie sanders administration. this would be a completely different country. what kind of country would it be? tonight we're beginning a series on bernie sanders' america. we take sanders seriously. we think you should take him seriously, too. so we're starting tonight with sander's views on immigration. a topic that affects this country on every level. for decades, sanders had what would be conservative views on immigration. he cared about higher wages for workers. that was his issue. mass immigration lowers wages so he was against it. it's that simple. then sanders ran for president. his views changed completely. now sanders is as radical on
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immigration as anyone else. he's come out on all deportations, all. watch. >> a moratorium on deportations for the 99% of the people is nothing to be cynical about. i think that is a significant step forward and the undocumented community would be proud of that. >> tucker: ending 99% of deportations to please the undocumented community. you should know that that number includes violent felons. sanders went on to say that only if an illegal alien commits a terrible crime, only then sanders "might" consider deporting that person. might. sanders wouldn't have to change any laws to do this. he could order federal authorities to stop deportations. he could do that day one. that's his plan. imagine who that would mean for this country? foreign nationals commit crimes and we can't send them home. sanders wouldn't stop there.
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he plans the new way forward act. it's designed to protect criminal aliens. that's the point of it. sanders has pledged to end the ban on deported criminals entering the united states. why is this a good idea? he pledged to eliminate expedited removal. that allows obvious illegals to be kick out swiftly. he promised to give discretion to judges to give the edge to illegals. sanders vowed to end all workplace immigration raids so big business will be able to rely on illegal immigrant labor with impunity. something that he spent 30 years attacking. now he's for it. it will be easy since he plans to abolish ice. >> on day one, we will repeal all of trump's racist immigration executive orders.
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we will end the ice raids that are terrorizing communities all across america. >> tucker: of course, businesses will have to import more of that illegal exploited labor that sanders is for because sander is promising amnesty for all illegal aliens in the country. more than 22 million people. that is a move that will change the electoral plans permanently forever. that's the point, people will say. bringing in the workers won't be difficult. he plans to abolish the border patrol. what is this? this is what radical open borders policy looks like. sanders is arguing that everyone on earth has the effective right to come to this country any time and receive the benefits of citizenship. sanders administration, those benefits would include but not limited to free college, free healthcare and full eligibility for food stamps and welfare.
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we're not making this up for partisan reasons or to slam bernie sanders because it looks like he's going to be the nominee. this is out there. nobody is mentioning it. it's on tape. sanders brags about it all. watch. >> i believe that healthcare is a human right. >> senator, would you include the 11 million illegal -- >> absolutely. when i talk about healthcare being a human right, last time i heard undocumented people are human beings as well. we need the best educated population in the world. that means we're going to make our public colleges and universities tuition-free and open that to the undocumented as well. >> tucker: so why isn't anybody talking about this? people are jumping up and down because sanders praised fidel castro. sanders is a self-described democratic socialist. it's bad. no doubt. but is it worse than what he believes on policy? it's not close.
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what is way worse than anything he said about fidel castro? his argument that anyone on the planet who sneaks in to the united states should get free healthcare and free college tuition. that's the case he's making. so here's the obvious question. what would that do to our medical system and universities? how long before they collapsed? not long. these are system of the best things in our country, this is what we brag about. gone. how we would pay for it? why is it such a good idea? why is no other nation doing it? why has no other nation ever done it? sanders has no answers, the most basic questions. he becomes angry if you ask him. he doesn't care about the consequences of his plans. why? there's really only one possible answer. because he doesn't care about the united states or its future. it's obvious that sanders hates the country he seeks to lead. there's no other explanation for it. that is a very dangerous quality in a president. the show will continue to bring you a series on what life would
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be like under a bernie sanders administration. there's a lot there. none of it has gotten attention. it's more than praising castro. trust us. reaction tonight, we're joined by the chief correspondent at the hill. thanks for coming on. >> thanks, tucker. >> i'm confused by the disconnect between what he says is his imperative, which is reducing income and equality, bringing up wages for the working class, which are good goals, by the way, to be clear and his commitment to open borders which will make the first two totally impossible. how does he square it? >> he did an interview with "the new york times" editorial board this year in which he admits that illegal immigrant labor depresses american wages. you laid it out perfectly. bernie sanders appeal to most people is he's consistent on the issues for 30 years. on healthcare, the economy. what is the one thing that he's not been consistent on? immigration.
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to give everybody an idea how much he's changed, steve king said in 2015 that he agrees more with bernie sanders on immigration than most people in the republican party. which was true at that point. he was on cnn, lou dobbs show, 2007, directly tying millions of illegal immigrants entering this country, depressing american wages. completely contradictory to the rest of his message and to the country, the nordic countries that have the similar systems that he wants to implement. they don't have immigration systems like this for a reason. it's insane and you can't pay for it. >> tucker: there's no country on planet earth that has or ever had or will ever have as far as i can tell the immigration system that he's calling for. does he understand -- there's a market for universal healthcare. there is according to the polls. you can't do that without tight border controls. he as knowledged that? >> in 2015, he said open
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brothers is a right wing koch brothers proposal and completely impossible and would destroy the concept of a nation. what did you just lay out? the legal implications for the things that he wants to implement are an effective rush on the u.s. border and then he wants time mement social services. from a pure practical perspective. how is it possible we're supposed to deliver healthcare to the entire illegal immigrant population, plus the u.s. population when we can barely deliver it to our population at large currently? >> tucker: last question, why does nobody ever ask this question? it's the most obvious of all questions. other off open some tangent about something that he said in the 70s. he's saying this now. i never heard a single person ask him. why do you think? >> most of these people are on the trail agree with bernie sanders on immigration because they would be abhorred to hear that he used to have the position on immigration that we're talking about tonight. it seems it's the moral position
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in this country to not only give amnesty to millions of illegals but you must provide them with healthcare. if you davate one position, you're racist. >> tucker: the only people that buy that are pampered guilty liberals. that's the only audience. thanks so much, saagar. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: coronavirus has revealed that our health care system is badly dependent on imported chinese goods. is it time for congress to step in and protect the country by fixing that? that's next.
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>> tucker: america's last pennsylvania plant closed in 2004. one of the many fascinating facts we're learning. because the rise of coronavirus. today almost all of our antibiotics come from china. again, almost all of our antibiotics come from china. coronavirus has exposed that. senate josh haully represents missouri. he says he's introducing legislation that may fix the problem. thanks for coming on, senator. >> thank you. >> tucker: for our viewers that are not grounded in this, including myself, give us a quick scope of the problem and how you think we should fix it. >> here's the scope, tucker. we're looking at potential
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shortages up to 150 commonly prescribed antibiotics and anti-viral medications. that's bad. the problem is in whole or in part these drugs are made in china. what we need to do is give the fda new authority to figure out what components are made in china. is there a shortfall. if there is, give them authority to fast track new pharmaceuticals to take the place. >> tucker: this feels like such an obvious thing. it's the wrong time to start pointing fingers. why have we waited till now to address this? >> this is one of those thing that over the last couple decades, with so much else, we watched so many jobs go to china, so many industries go to china. we've had all of our elites telling us there's no problem with this, it's secure and fine. it's not secure. the coronavirus is exposing that. just as with our manufacturing base, so too with our medical supply chains.
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they're exposed when they're in china. that's why long-term tucker we need to bring them home and i hope legislation like this will be a first step. >> tucker: that's right. maybe it's time for a systematic top to bottom review of how dependent we are on china and how vulnerable that makes us. i'm certain that antibiotics and face masks are not the only product that they need that we have control over. >> think about our tech sector. so much of our technology is made in china. apple, almost every piece ofty phone is made in china. so much of our data is in china. when it comes to medical devices, medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, all of those major supply chains in china. we've been told for years, no problem. it's not an issue. it's a big issue and it's time to take affirmative steps to security the supply chains and bring them back here.
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>> tucker: all 100 senators should be doing this. grateful you are. senator josh hawley. >> thank you. >> tucker: thank you. joe biden is still talking in sentence fragments. hard to make out what he's saying but appears to be taking credit for everything good happening in this country the last 200 years. mark steyn is here to respond. it's time for final exam. jesse waters and pete hegseth are here. we'll be right back. vo: he had already taken the giving pledge
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to give his money to charity, when this californian walked away from his billion dollar company for good. he drives a chevy volt, flies commercial, and spends his days building grassroots campaigns for social and environmental justice. why? tom steyer believes every child deserves the same opportunities as his.
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a healthy planet. good schools. quality healthcare, living wage jobs, and life without fear of discrimination. tom: i'm tom steyer and i approve this message.
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>> tucker: time for "final exam" where the brightest people at fox news and that is saying a lot compete to win prizes.
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you can get the coveted mug. this week's contestant "water's world" host jesse waters. his challenger is "fox and friends" pete hegseth. i'm rooting for no one. good to see you gentlemen. >> good to see you. >> you're a "fox and friends" alumni. i assume you're pulling for me. but whatever. is that but i want to go to prince and pete, but it's even. >> no pressure. >> low bar. >> tucker: here's the rules. you know them but the audience may not. hands or buzzers. this is critical. you have to wait till i finish asking the question before you answer it. every correct answer gets you a point. a lost answerer subtracts a point from your total. best to five wins. ready? >> yes. >> do it. >> tucker: all right. this is a multiple choice
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question. it's about elizabeth warren. you remember the video last year where she drinks an ice cold beer. here's the video to remind you. >> hold on a second. i'm going to get me a beer. >> might be my favorite moment. >> tucker: she ran out of batteries shortly after that during an interview this week she was asked about that she explained what her go-to beer was. was it michelob ultra, sam adams or amstel light? >> he doesn't know. >> total guess. i'm going with sam adams because it's a boston thing. >> that would have been mine. >> tucker: that's not a bad guess. is it correct? is it sam adams? >> we headed down to a bar for the drink with the voters of
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south carolina. what do you drink? >> michelob ultra. >> tucker: what a traitor. a synthetic beer for a synthetic candidate. grain alcohol is disgusting. not that i drink but i know that one. question number 2. this is not multiple choice. new york senator chuck schumer just confessed he spent close to $10,000 over the years buying which kind of dessert? >> this one i know. cheesecake. >> $10,000 of cheesecake? >> tucker: new york cheesecake. he's a trim guy, to. >> cluck schumer spent $8,600 on junior's cheesecake. i love it so much that it's the best cheesecake in the world and
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it's my guilty pleasure. >> oh, man. >> tucker: you're right. i don't believe chuck schumer. i eat cheesecake. he doesn't eat it. anyway. question number 3. this is a multiple choice. the game show commission in billings, montana wants us to ask a question about fast food so we are. here it is. which restaurant chain sells a pack of candles that makes you house smelled like fast food. >> tucker: oh, shoot. i forgot it was multiple choice. >> tucker: i'll let the judges figure it out. taco bell, burger king mcdonald's. it goes to pete. >> the golden arches, mcdonald's. >> tucker: you're saying mcdonald's? >> does the candle smell like mcdonald's? to the tape we go. >> now, if you like the smell of
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a quarter pounder, mcdonald's is selling the mood and launches a collection of burger scented candles. so sorry to bring this to you. it's a commercial for mcdonald's. >> i guess so. >> tucker: for the win. >> i would have spend $8,600 alobe with my kids in the last six months. >> tucker: who hasn't? hot apple pies. caution, they burn people. 1-0 going to question 4. this is not multiple choice, this question. so here it is. which elderly actor famous for singing a song just endorsed bernie sanders for president. >> i don't know this one. >> i got nothing. >> tucker: elderly actor, chimchinchur, which peaked at
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number 47 in 1966. >> way before my time. >> i don't know. >> tucker: getting the cues from the judges from. a disney film. >> i got nothing. >> i counts name a bernie endorsement. >> played multiple sitcoms, his brother played on it is comes. >> sorry, tucker. >> tucker: a dutch last name. >> i have nothing. >> three name, dutch name. >> three-name dutch name. i don't know. >> tucker: who is your favorite dutch pointer? >> vincent skully? >> tucker: middle name van. >> vincent van gogh? >> wrong answer. >> i didn't buzz. >> tucker: vincent van gogh. the one-eared actor from amsterdam. >> he didn't buzz. >> i'm very enthusiastic for
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bernie sanders. the age questions comes up. i know that i'm 20 years older than bernie. i have all of my marbles. >> i'll take it. >> tucker: the first time no one has guessed. you're right. the dutch thing wasn't the give-away. 1-0 going to question number 5. a multiple choice. here it is. amy klobuchar has been trying her very best to connect with the latino community. in an attempt to do that, she revealed that she had a nickname in spanish glass in the fourth grade. was it annamaria, yolanda or c, elena? >> i know it. >> it's c, elena. >> right. >> tucker: roll the tape. is it elena? >> my name is amy. when i was in spanish in the fourth grade, my name was elena.
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they gave me the name elena because i couldn't roll my rs. >> tucker: that's the saddest answer i've ever seen. so makes us 1-1. sudden death overtime with a bonus question, this is not a multiple choice. speed is of the essence and i'm going to warn you now, a tough question and a tiny percentage of americans know. you prepared? >> yes. >> no. >> tucker: here we go. here's the question. what is the capitol of canada? >> i had this one before. most canadians don't know either. >> it's not toronto. >> it's not montreal. >> i don't think it's quebec. >> tucker: a large country to the north. large in land mass. pete hegseth. >> vancouver. >> no.
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>> sean: is it vancouver? it should be vancouver. >> is it? >> tucker: unfortunately it's a place called ottawa. >> ottawa. >> tucker: jesse wins! >> goodness. >> ottawa. >> gentlemen, jesse, another congratulations to you. another mug for your collection. pete, a great man. great to see you tonight. study up on canadian geography. >> i didn't know that one. >> tucker: pay attention. tune in thursday and see if you can beat our experts. we'll be right back. 5g will change business in america. t-mobile has the first and only, nationwide 5g network. and with it, you can shape the future. we've invested 30 billion dollars and built our new 5g network for businesses like yours. while some 5g signals only go a few blocks, t-mobile 5g goes for miles. no other 5g signal goes farther
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>> tucker: well, his presidential campaign is nose down, speeding towards earth, smoke billowing from the engine but joe biden is trying to pull it up. trying to save his presidential bid. how is he doing it? by taking credit for everything good that has ever happened. >> i spent more time with president xi than any other world leader by the time i left office. i convinced him he should join the international agreement. nobody has dealt internationally with these world leaders. i have.
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>> domestic abusers can't get an ak-47. >> i wrote that law. >> you didn't write that bill. >> i wrote the bill. >> you did that. >> it took them out of the hands -- >> we'll have a fact check -- >> let's look at it. >> can i respond? i wrote the bell to set up drug courts. i help set up that office in the presidency, in the president's office. what we did with ebola. i was part with making sure that pandemic didn't get to the united states, saved millions of lives. >> why should anyone have faith that you're the one that can get this done now? >> because i'm the only one that ever got it done. >> tucker: i, i, me, me. do you feel proud about what you've done in your life? you shouldn't. whatever you did, joe biden got there first. that's true for author and columnist mark steyn that tributes his success to joe biden. mark steyn joins us. hi, mark. have you said thank you?
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>> well, i owe him everything. very little in the modern civilized world. he barely has time to mention it all. hi passed the legalizing saspirilla. he wrote the civil rights act, wrote the constitution of belarus. he wrote magna carta, he wrote "little house on the prairie" and the first three fast and furious sequences. amy klobuchar should be ashamed of herself. there's nothing that he hasn't written or accomplished. >> tucker: kind of an amazing figure. you think president would be a stepping stone to be something bigger like emperor of the world. with that many achievements, he's like a third word dictator with all the medals what is next for joe biden? >> i don't know why his bothering to run to be honest. basically he's already the president for life of the
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people's republic of himself. that seems to be satisfying for him. when he was arrested and jailed with nelson mandela, he managed to pass the robin island prison parking lot expansion bill from jail with nelson. and then he taught nelson the macarena. there's literally nothing he hasn't done. i think the next debate, the other six candidates should do the whole two hours in joe biden impressions. because it's a thing now. everyone loves it. it's the only thing that they like about him. the only question is in the event that he somehow managed by accident to get elected president, who actually would be running that white house? because joe would be out there lost in rhapsodies of when he bust out of robin island and he
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took out the apartheid regime. he would be busy with that all day long. who would be running a biden presidency? that's the interesting thing. if you wanted to collude -- if putin was looking to collude with someone, there's no one easier to collude with than joe biden. he's just out there rifting in fantasiland. >> tucker: you know, we talked about this very topic last night. all of a sudden, we want to hear what mark steyn has to say and we rewarded that he's the dictator for life of the people's republic of himself. >> and he's loving it. that's the perfect job title. >> tucker: unbelievable. mark steyn, great to see you. thanks for that. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: that is it for us tonight. we're virtually out of time. measuring it in seconds at this
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point. we'll be back tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. the show that is the sworn and totally sincere enemy of lying, mugness and group think. have a great night with the ones you love. sean hannity is standing by from washington d.c. >> sean: great to see you, tucker. welcome to "hannity." we're live in the swamp, the sewer that is washington d.c. tonight i can regard the sky is absolutely falling. we're all doomed. the end is near. the apocalypse is eminent and you're all going to die, all of you in the next 48 hours and it's all president trump's fault. or at least that's what the media mob and the democratic extreme radical socialist party would like you to think. they're sadly politicizing and weaponizing an infection disease. what is basically the next effort to bludgeon president trump. they're all rooting for


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